Veterinary medicine ir zootechnics
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Year 1997. Volume 3 (25)

Veterinary medicine

ArticleSummaryFull text 
E. Aniulis, V. Dalinkevičius. Sperm parameters from different breeds of boars
G. Augonytė. The influence of mouldy fungi in the fodder of poultiy on digestibility of nutrients and poultry weight
V. Babrauskienė. Structural analysis of pigs cornea depending on age
L. Daugnora. Metrical analysis of metacarpals and metatarsals of horses in Marvelė cemetery
D. Garalevičienė, K. Šerėnas, B. Bakutis. An influence of T-2 toxin and ochratoxin A on biochemical indices of chickens blood
L. Kalinskytė, B. Bakutis, A. Tarvydas. Studies on microclimate parameters of cattle-sheds and on microscopic fungi and their biological properties
R. Mockeliūnas, V. Rimavičius, P. Šakys. Impact of iodine and cholinergic substances on endometritis treatment in cows
M. Paunksnienė, V. Babrauskienė, A. Paunksnis. Ultrasonographic evaluation of animal eye dimensions
A. Sederevičius, I. Monkevičienė, R. Želvytė. The effect of the type of forage and its chemical composition on organic matter digestibility
A. Stankevičius, A. Šalomskas. Postvaccinal immunity against parvovirus in urban canine populations of Lithuania
J. Sutkevičius. Functional study the heart of race horses
V. Špakauskas, A. Stundžienė, L. Jodkonis. Investigation of antimicrobial and toxic peculiarities of Vortine


ArticleSummaryFull text 
S. Bagdonas. Mutual feeding of bees
Z. Bartkevičiūtė, J. Černauskienė. Influence ofenzymatic preparations BIO-PEED BETA CT in different rations for wealing piglets
R. Bliumbergas, B. Staniškienė, B. Vėsaitė. Investigation of contamination of meat of domestic animals in Lithuania with chemical materials
G. Garmienė, D. Kačerauskis, J. Margelytė, Č. Jukna, J. Vaitkus, V. Skimundris, V. Plauska. Chemical contamination of animal foods manufactured in Lithuania
K. Janušauskas, I. Miceikienė, R. Reinytė, J. Kučinskienė, V. Jakutis. Investigations of cattle chromosome heterochromatine
H. Jeroch, R. Gružauskas. Effectiveness of enzyme additives in broiler feed mixtures with a high barley content using specific barley varieties
Č. Jukna, V. Jukna. Growing bulls for meat by low concentrated rations
V. Jukna. Accumulation of heavy metals in internal organs of cattle
V. Juraitis. Research of nutritiousness and chemical composition of perennial cereal grasses during vegetation.
J. Kulpys. The value of forage for cows from the point of view of the NET-lactation (NEL) energy
J. Kulpys, A. Juozaitis. Composition of mineralvitamin mixture for goats
P. Matusevičius, Influence of fermental preparation the growth and development of calves
A. Mikelėnas, J. Martuzevičius, J. Jančienė, J. Chodočinskaitė. Correlation between crossing and hybridization, and cross-breeding coordination in swine
I. Monkevičienė. The effect of the composition of a diet on its organic matter digestibility
M. Paleckaitis. Resistance of separate genotypes of black-and-white cows to different diseases
K. Pauliukas. Influence of the degree of holsteinization and level of feeding on productivity of Lithuanian black-and-white cattle
H. Stankevičius, A. Žemaitienė. New fodder for cattle feeding
H. Stankevičius, A. Žemaitienė. Use of rapeseed oil for calves’ feeding
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