Veterinary medicine ir zootechnics
A scientific journal and the Official Organ of the Veterinary Academy, Lithuanian University of Health Sciences
Sunday, 23rd of February 2025
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Guide for authors.



1. The guidelines (further in the text Guidelines) for authors of the serial scientific journal “Veterinarija ir zootechnika” published by the Veterinary Academy of the Lithuanian University of Health Sciences (further in the text LSMU VA) were prepared following the legal acts of the Republic of Lithuania and LSMU statute (Žin., 2010, No 81-4231, 2012, No 81-4227).

2. The journal publishes original articles on a broad range of topics in veterinary medicine, food safety and animal husbandry technologies written in English and not considered for publication elsewhere.

3. The terms used in the Guidelines:

3.1. Editorial Board is a group of scientists representing the scientific research fields within the range of topics of the journal. Its objective is to ensure high quality of accepted articles and consistent publishing process. The Editorial Board is composed of front office and members.

3.2. Author is a person who either: contributed to forming the concept of the article, participated in research process and/or discussion of obtained results or wrote the article or part of it.

3.3. Review is a thorough and efficient analysis of original manuscript.


4.1. Research articles (not exceeding 7000 words including references but excluding Tables and Figures).Research articles are welcomed within areas of veterinary medicine, food safety and animal sciences. The journal considers all original research manuscripts provided that the work reports scientifically sound experiments and provides a substantial amount of new information. Original scientific papers report results of authors own original research, which should be explained in discussion and statistically analyzed.

4.1. Review articles (not exceeding 6000 words including references but excluding Tables and Figures).Journal welcomes review articles within areas of veterinary medicine, food safety and animal sciences written by experts. Authors reviews provide an upto-date survey of particular problem or an area in which, preferably, the author himself is active. These provide concise and precise updates on the latest progress made in a given area of research. Reviews are complete overviews of new scientific facts and/ or results of scientific research form greater number of authors, including discussion of a certain problem based on literature facts and authors own assumptions.

4.1. Short communication (not exceeding 2000 words including references).Short Communications present preliminary, but significant, results. Short Communications are used to report findings that are not suitable for a full research article, but still of the same high quality. Also short communications include reports on shorter but completed research or descriptions of an original methods, apparatus etc.

4.1. Case report (not exceeding 2000 words including references).Case reports present detailed information on the symptoms, signs, diagnosis, treatment and outcomes of patient. Case reports are written to report findings in a single or a few animals. Case reports usually describe new or uncommon conditions that serve to enhance medical care or highlight diagnostic approaches. The case must generally be unique and accompanied by significant amounts of high quality data and well prepared illustrations.


5. The manuscripts are registered in the Editorial Office of LSMU VA “Veterinarija ir zootechnika” after filling the Manuscripts Registration Form (Supplement 1).

6. One copy of the manuscript and its CD version should be addressed to the Editorial Office or e-mailed to the following address:

7. The manuscripts are refereed (Supplement 2) at least by two members of the Editorial Board or appointed referees. The authors are expected to take into consideration the remarks and before the final submission make correction or give motivated explanations of discount of the remarks (use Track Changes). The amended paper and its CD version should be sent back to the Editorial Office in two weeks after the submission of reviews to the author.
If two reviews are negative the article is rejected. If one review is negative, the article should be reviewed by additional referee. If the review of the third referee is positive, the final decision is made by the Editorial board.

8. The final corrected manuscript should be submitted to the Editorial Board together with the signed letter that authors have approved the paper for release and in agreement with its publication (Supplement 3).

9. The paper should include reference that scientific research has been carried out in accordance with the EU and Lithuanian legal acts.


10. Manuscripts must include the following sections in the order listed: title, name(s) of author(s), affiliations and their postal addresses; abstract, introduction, objective, materials and methods, results, discussion and conclusions, acknowledgements and list of references. The file name in the CG version should be made of the surname of the first author. The manuscript should be presented in “Microsoft Word”, in portrait pages (A4 10x297 mm). The margin sizes should be: top: 30 mm, right, left and bottom: 20 mm. Font style Times New Roman, 12 pt, normal print, 1,5 lines spacing throughout. The text should be aligned to the left and right margins. The first line of the paragraph should be intended 5 mm. Include line and page numbering.
The title of the article and all structural parts (Introduction, Abstract, Keywords, etc.) should be in Bold uppercase. The information about the authors (affiliations, etc.) should be in Italics. If necessary, Italics may be used in the text, e.g. for Latin terms.

10.1. The Title should be brief, informative, indicate the presented material and typed on a separate line in uppercase.
The title of the manuscript should be followed by: full name(s) and surname(s) of authors, affiliation and postal address, office phone and fax numbers, e-mail addresses.

10.2. Abstract at the beginning of the paper (not more than half of the page) should be written in the same language as the paper itself. It should briefly introduce the aim and object of research, methods, main results and the most important conclusions.

10.3. Keywords should follow the Abstract (4–6 words).

10.4. Introduction should briefly indicate the objectives and discuss the newest data of the study.

10.5. Materials and methods section should describe the objectives and methods of the study, names of used materials, their manufacturers (title and country), experimental conditions, process of experiment(s), and data processing techniques.

10.6. Section Results should clearly present the well-founded research data within SI system of units. The data are presented in the text, Tables and/or Illustrations.

10.7. Section Discussion and Conclusions should include a brief statement of principal findings, their comparison with the findings of other authors and clear and succinct conclusions.

10.8. Acknowledgements should be used to identify the funding sources and to note valuable intellectual or technical assistance.

10.9. The List of References should include all cited (preferably newest) sources. The list should be compiled following the bibliographic requirements (see item 10.11).

10.10. Tables and Illustrations should be placed in the text at the end of paragraphs containing references to them. Tables should be presented in portrait pages. They should be 17 cm wide, columns and rows should be separated using ½ pt lines. The text in the Tables should be in 10 pt, normal print, single spaced. Diagrams and drawings should be produced using computers. Complex drawings should be submitted as separate files (*.tif, *.jpg). Photographs must be of good quality and fit for reproduction. The resolution of black-and-white illustrations must be at least 360 dpi. The diagrams with the data (tables) must be submitted as separate files (*.xls) where each diagram and table are compiled in separate Excel sheets. Sheet numbers must correspond with illustration numbers (e.g. sheet 1 – Fig. 1). The text within tables and illustrations is typed in Times New Roman, 10 pt, normal print. The files with graphic material should be titled in the same way as the manuscript title. The whole numbers must be separated from the decimal numbers using decimal points in the English texts and commas in the Lithuanian texts. Statistical significance is given using lowercase p without intervals p in Lithuanian texts and uppercase P without intervals P in English texts.

10.11. The references in the text should be given in parentheses (surname, year). In the List of References, they should be arranged in alphabetic order using Latin characters. Conference materials having no structure of scientific article should not be included in the List of References.
In the List of References, punctuation marks should be used as follows:

Books: Authors (surnames and initials). Book title. Publisher: publishing office, year. Number of pages in the book or concrete pages. E.g.:
Matusevičius A., Špakauskas V. Antimikrobinės ir antiparazitinės vaistinės medžiagos ir vaistai veterinarijoje. Kaunas, Terra Publica, 2005. 520 p.
Kramer F., Mencke N. Flea biology and control. Germany, Springer, 2001. P. 22–26.
Roepstorff A., Boes J. Population biology in pig ascariosis. In: Helminth infections in animals and man (Ed. Webster P. and Thamsborg S. M.). Copenhagen, Denmark. 2005. P. 13–24.

Articles. Authors. Title of the article. Title of the publication. Publishing place and time. Volume. Issue number. Pages. E.g.:
Gabinaitienė A., Šiugždaitė J. Mikoplazmų iš galvijų nosies ertmės išskyrimas. Veterinarija ir zootechnika. 2010. T. 49. P. 26–31.

Other sources. Title of the publication. Type of the publication according to the character of information. Compiler (Editor in Chief or translator). Place and time of publishing. Pages. E.g.:
Iliustruotas veterinarijos anglų-lietuvių kalbų žodynas. Sudarytojai Mickevičienė R. ir Sederevičius A. Kaunas: Terra Publica, 2008. 352 p.
Lassen B. Diagnosis, epidemiology and control of bovine coccidioses in Estonia. PhD Thesis, Tartu, Estonia. 2009. 152 p.


11. The decision as to the order of publishing priority is made by the Editorial Board. When the list of articles to be published in the current issue is approved, a layout of each article is prepared. The layout of the article are posted to the Authors. The author is invited to print it, correct the paper version, sign his approval of the layout, scan the paper version and send the scanned sheets by e-mail or fax to the Editorial Board of the journal.

12. The information about publishing the article online is e-mailed to the Author.

13. If due to force-majeure the article cannot be published, the article is published in the following issue of the journal.


14. Each Author is expected to submit for publication only original articles not published and not being considered for publication (as a full text or parts of it) elsewhere.

14.1. The presentation by the Author of other investigators’ data, propositions, research methods, results, etc. without references to sources is unacceptable.

14.2 Each Author should be ready to elaborate his contribution to the article.

14.3. Each Author shares responsibility for breaching the rights of copyright possessors (legal or natural persons), for misrepresentation of information, etc. and commit to cover the losses incurred by the LSMU.

14.4. Each Author commits to use the article in his internet site, for educational and scientific purposes, etc. only after the publication of the article in the present scientific journal. The Authors are obliged to indicate this journal as the primary source of publication.

14.5. All Authors understand and agree that their article is circulated through all dissemination media.

14.6. When the article is prepared by co-authors, the Author who submits the article for publication is considered the first and main Author. He is obliged to familiarize the other authors with these guidelines and to keep in touch with the present scientific publication.


The publication of accepted articles in this journal are free of charge.

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