Veterinary medicine ir zootechnics
A scientific journal and the Official Organ of the Veterinary Academy, Lithuanian University of Health Sciences
Sunday, 23rd of February 2025
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Editorial board.

Founders of issue "Veterinarija ir zootechnika":

1. Veterinary Academy, Lithuanian University of Health Sciences (LSMU VA)
Tilžės str. 18, LT-47181 Kaunas
Phone: (+ 370 37) 36 23 83, Fax. (+370 37) 36 24 17

Institute of Veterinary medicine of Veterinary Academy,
Lithuanian University of Health Sciences (LSMU VA VI)
Tilžės str. 18, LT-47181 Kaunas
Phone: (+370 37) 40 97 47

2. Aleksandras Stulginskis University (ASU)
Studentų g. 11, Akademija, LT-4324 Kauno rajonas
Phone: (+370 37) 32 32 05; Fax. (+370 37) 39 75 00

3. Institute of Immunology of Vilnius University (VUII)
Molėtų pl., LT-2021 Vilnius
Phone: (+370 2) 2469 223; Fax. (+370 2) 2469 210

Publisher of the issue "Veterinarija ir zootechnika"

Veterinary Academy, Lithuanian University of Health Sciences (LSMU VA)

Editorial board of "Veterinarija ir zootechnika"

Editor in Chief - Dr. E. Šlyžius (Lithuania)
Executive Editor - Dr. T. Kupčinskas (Lithuania)


Prof. habil. Dr. Saulius Petkevičius (Lithuania)
Prof. Dr. Rasa Želvytė (Lithuania)
Prof. Dr. Ramūnas Antanaitis (Lithuania)
Prof. Dr. Rolandas Stankevičius (Lithuania)
Dr. Raimundas Mockeliūnas (Lithuania)
Dr. Violeta Juškienė (Lithuania)
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Birutė Karvelienė (Lithuania)
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Arūnas Rutkauskas (Lithuania)
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Giedrius Palubinskas (Lithuania)
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Aleksandr Novoslavskij (Lithuania)
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Kristina Musayeva (Lithuania)
Dr. Renata Bižienė(Lithuania)
Dr. Kristina Kondrotienė(Lithuania)
Dr. Rasa Adomkienė(Lithuania)

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