Veterinary medicine ir zootechnics
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Year 1997. Volume 4 (26)

Veterinary medicine

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V. Babrauskienė, M. Paunksnienė. Peculiarities of pig corneal thickness
M. Bertašius, L. Daugnora. Kaunas region horses
G. Daunoras, A. Matusevičius, A. Černauskas, A. Stankevičius. Parameters of toxicity of Ferosol-2 and resorption of iron in the organism of piglets
J. Dobilas, L. Barzelis. Epizootic investigations of colibacteriosis on farms and development of vaccine
D. Garalevičienė, K. Šerėnas, B. Bakutis. The effect of antioxidant vitamines E and A on the organism of chickens affected by T-2 toxin
A. Januškauskas, A. Banys, V. Riškevičienė, H. Žilinskas. Evaluation of andrological status and semen morphology in A. I. bulls
G. Januškevičienė, H. Žilinskas, A. Banys. Morphological and functional characteristics of ovaries, adrenal glands and thyroid glands of gilts
P. Mačiulskis, V. Lasys, A. Noreika. Mammary tumours in bitches
P. Mačiulskis, Ž. Pupius. Pathomorphological changes of canine enteritis
R. Mockeliūnas, V. Špakauskas, A. Stundžienė. Pharmacological properties and efficacy of Spumosan F in treating endometritis in cows
Č. Neviera, V. Kaminskas, J. Katkevičius. Investigation of cultural and immunogenic properties of vaccine virus against Mareks desease
A. Sederevičius. An improved stomach tube for the treatment of cattle tympania
A. Sederevičius, J. Kantautaitė, R. Sutkevičienė, L. Raškevičienė. The effect of „Lactosan“ on the total number of lactobacillus and enterobacteria in the rectum content of healthy and suffering from diarrhea calves
A. Šalomskas, L. Belianko, B. Tamašauskienė, A. Stankevičius, V. Mockeliūnienė. Investigation of antigenic and immunogenic properties of inactivated rota- and coronaviruses
J. Šiugždaitė. Investigation of milk bacteriological contamination
J. Šiugždaitė. Subclinical mastitis
V. Špakauskas, A. Stundžienė, L. Jodkonis. Use of Vortine in the treatment of cow udder and teat diseases
V. Žilaitis, S. Laurusevičius. Practical evaluation of a canine semen criopreservation method


ArticleSummaryFull text 
Z. Bartkevičiūtė, J. Černauskienė. Enzymatic preparation Bio-feed plus CT in mixed concentrates containing a large amount of crude fiber for fattening pigs
G. Garmienė, R. Pociūtė, G. Kačerauskienė. Nitrate, nitrite, N-nitrozamine contents in milk and milk products
H. Jeroch, M. Schurz. Effectiveness of multi-enzyme preparation Bio-Feed® plus CT in wheat based broiler fattening rations
V. Jukna. The amount of heavy metals in the muscles of cows and younger cattle fattened in summer and winter periods
J. Kuosa, V. Juozaitienė, M. Paleckaitis. Use of Holstein and British Fresian bulls to grade up Lithuanian Black-and-white
V. Juozaitienė, A. Skindzera, G. Augonytė. Horse body mass assessment according to its dimensions
A. Masiulienė. Correlation of body dimensions and body dimension indexes in Lithuanian Black-and-white and Red cows
A. Žemaitienė, H. Stankevičius. Milk substitute preservation technology
A. Žemaitienė, H. Stankevičius. Technology of starter enriched milk substitude
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