Veterinary medicine ir zootechnics
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Year 1998. Volume 5 (27)

Veterinary medicine

ArticleSummaryFull text 
J. A. Dobilas, L. Barzelis. Spread of colibacteriosis on farms and efficacy tests of E.coli vaccine developed from local strain cultures
B. Girnius, D. Kondratas, J. Žymantienė. The effect of Ferolit on the nonspecific resistance
G. Januškevičienė, M. Malakauskas, A. Stimbirys. Microscopic lesions of toxoplasmosis in rabbits
P. Mačiulskis, A. Mlečkienė. Pathological morphological changes in dogs caused by endocardiosis
M. Malakauskas, G. Januškevičienė, A. Stimbirys. Diagnosing of rabbit toxoplasmosis and veterinary sanitarion of their meat
N. Milčiuvienė, V. Žilaitis, R. Maruška, V. Malakauskas. The influence of various factors on the sperm fertilising ability in vitro
A. Mlečkienė, N.Baužaitė. Uremia causes, clinical findings and pathological morphological changes in aged dogs
V. Mockeliūnienė, A. Šalomskas, O. Akūnytė. Detection of antibodies to rotavirus by means of blocking enzyme linked immunosorbent assay
A. Noreika. Ophtalmoscopy of eye fundus in horses
A. Noreika, P. Mačiulskis, V. Lasys. Surgery of mammary tumours in bitches
A. Sederevičius. Diagnostic stomach tube for cattle
A. Stankevičius, A. Šalomskas. Epidemiologic studies of canine parvovirus infection in Lithuania
A. Stimbirys, J. Vaitkus, G. Januškevičienė. A serological study on the prevalence of Toxoplasma gondii in cattle, sheep, goats and pigs in Lithuania
L. Šernienė, H. Žilinskas, V. Riškevičienė, A. Banys. Comparative analysis of semen samples from healthy and culled AI boars
J. Šiugždaitė, S. Kunickis. Isolation of Mycoplasma from cows with clinical and subclinical mastitis
V. Špakauskas, L. Jodkonis, A. Matusevičius, A. Stankevičius. Efficacy investigation of test (mastestas) for the diagnosis of cow subclinical mastitis
V. Vaitkus, Z. Januškaitis. One-layer intestinal sutures in dogs
V. Maliev, V. Averin, P. Cigvincev, V. Michalusev, V. Bižokas, A. Naumcik, V. Achremenko, D. Popov. Changes in the bovine thyroid gland and their expected after-effects during onto-and phylogenesis caused by radiation after Chernobyl nuclear power plant accident


ArticleSummaryFull text 
S. Bagdonas. Amplitude of changes in atmospheric temperature
S. Baranauskas, J. Vasiliauskas, R. Ruibys. The effect of enzyme preparations on the quality of pork
R. Bliumbergas, B. Staniškienė, H. Medekšienė. Detoxifying of DDT in biosphere
H. Jeroch. Prüfung von DL–methionin-supplementen zu erbsenreichen Futtermischungen in der Broilerkükenmast
V. Juraitis. The changes in the nutritious matter and the chemical composition of perennial leguminous grasses during vegetation
J. Kulpys. The influence of the „TEMPUS“ Project on the modernisation of the teaching pocess and the curricula at LVA
J. Kulpys, R. Ruibys, J. Vasiliauskas. Enzyme preparations in the flattering pig rations
P. Matusevičius. The effect of a fermental preparation mixture on the growth of calves
K. Pauliukas, A. Urbonavičius. Milk production of selected White-and-black cows with different amount of blood from Holstein Friesen cattle
A. Strazdas, S. Tušas. Comparison of productivity indices for different genotype and line Lithuanian red cows
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