Veterinary medicine ir zootechnics
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Year 1998. Volume 6 (28)

Veterinary medicine

ArticleSummaryFull text 
E. Aniulis, S. Japertas, K. Leiputė. Changes in milk components in healthy and sick with subclinical mastitis cows during the process of milking
J. A. Dobilas, M. Virgailis, L. Barzelis. Selection of isolated Salmonella strains and adjuvants for inactivated vaccine production
I. Dumalakienė, G. Mikalauskienė, V. Tamošiūnas, V. Popendikytė, M. Mauricas, D. Apanavičienė. Direct and indirect detection of bovine leukemia virus infection in cattle
D. Garalevičienė, K. Lukauskas. Determination of ochratoxin A in hen plasma by HPLC
M. Keblys, B. Bakutis, P. Janulis. Comparative tests of various feed conservants
R. Lelešius, V. Sereika, A. Šalomskas, E. Rivera. The impact of different adjuvants upon vaccinal induction of secondary immune response against porcine parvovirus
I. Monkevičienė, A. Sederevičius. The influence of silage type and quality on rumen microbial protein synthesis
S. Petkevičius. The influence of starving on Ascaris suum and Oesophagostomum sp. infection in pigs
S. Petkevičius, P. Nansen, M. Larsen. In vitro influence of fungus Duddingtonia flagrans on Oesophagostomum dentatum larvae development in faeces from pigs fed different diet fibre diets
E. Svaldenienė, M. Paunksnienė, V. Babrauskienė. Canine corneal thickness pecularities in vivo and after eye ball enucleation
A. Šalomskas. Investigation of reproductive and antigenic properties of bovine rotavirus isolated in Lithuania
M. Šarkūnas, V. Paulikas, P. Nansen, J. W. Hansen. Effects of strategic treatment with ivermectin on calves naturally exposed to trichostrongylid infection on intensive calf-rearing summer camp system in Lithuania
V. Špakauskas, L. Jodkonis, I. Klimienė, J. Kvietinskas. Investigation of toxicity and efficacy of iodosept
R. Želvytė, A. Sederevičius, L. Raškevičienė. The dependence of hay organic matter digestibility in the rumen fluid of cows on their physiological state and on supplementation by peptides and amino acids


ArticleSummaryFull text 
S. Baranauskas, D. Matyžiūtė, V. Balkaitienė. The influence of multienzyme preparation composition (MEK-CL) on the productivity of layer hens, the consumption of feed and the quality of eggs
S. Baranauskas, S. Mikulionienė, J. Kulpys, R. Stankevičius. Evaluation of the energetic value of forage for dairy cows by means of Hohenheims test
Č. Jukna, N. Kvietkutė, H. Stankevičius. The influence of technological process on pork quality
A. Juozaitis, V. Juozaitienė. The reproductive characteristics of Lithuanian Black-and-White breed cows belonging to different bull lines
J. Kriauzienė. Biological and farming qualities of Norwegian Landrace pigs breed in Lithuania
P. Matusevičius.Use of enzymes for growing calves
Č. Neviera, J. Baltrušaitis. The immunogenic properties of chicken Herpes virus Rispens strain
B. Staniškienė, R. Palavinskas, Ch. Boess. Determination of the amount of metals in honey
K. Pauliukas. Milk productivity of Lithuanian Black-and-White and hybrids of F1, F2, F3, F4 generation cows -depending on Holstein blood part
R. Ruibys, J. Vasiliauskas. Protosubtilin G3x and maltavamorin G10x in additives pig rations
Ž. Sederevičiūtė, V. Sirvydis, E.Kučinskas, S. Danius. Influence of enzyme preparations on the egg quality of laying hens
A. Strazdas. Influence of different genotype Black-and White and Red bulls on their daughters‘ productivity and exterior indicators
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