A scientific journal and the Official Organ of the Veterinary Academy, Lithuanian University of Health Sciences
Tuesday, 18th of February 2025
Year 1998. Volume 6 (28) Veterinary medicine
Article | Summary | Full text | | | E. Aniulis, S. Japertas, K. Leiputė. Changes in milk components in healthy and sick with subclinical mastitis cows during the process of milking |  | | J. A. Dobilas, M. Virgailis, L. Barzelis. Selection of isolated Salmonella strains and adjuvants for inactivated vaccine production |  | | I. Dumalakienė, G. Mikalauskienė, V. Tamošiūnas, V. Popendikytė, M. Mauricas, D. Apanavičienė. Direct and indirect detection of bovine leukemia virus infection in cattle |  | | D. Garalevičienė, K. Lukauskas. Determination of ochratoxin A in hen plasma by HPLC |  | | M. Keblys, B. Bakutis, P. Janulis. Comparative tests of various feed conservants |  | | R. Lelešius, V. Sereika, A. Šalomskas, E. Rivera. The impact of different adjuvants upon vaccinal induction of secondary immune response against porcine parvovirus |  | | I. Monkevičienė, A. Sederevičius. The influence of silage type and quality on rumen microbial protein synthesis |  | | S. Petkevičius. The influence of starving on Ascaris suum and Oesophagostomum sp. infection in pigs |  | | S. Petkevičius, P. Nansen, M. Larsen. In vitro influence of fungus Duddingtonia flagrans on Oesophagostomum dentatum larvae development in faeces from pigs fed different diet fibre diets |  | | E. Svaldenienė, M. Paunksnienė, V. Babrauskienė. Canine corneal thickness pecularities in vivo and after eye ball enucleation |  | | A. Šalomskas. Investigation of reproductive and antigenic properties of bovine rotavirus isolated in Lithuania |  | | M. Šarkūnas, V. Paulikas, P. Nansen, J. W. Hansen. Effects of strategic treatment with ivermectin on calves naturally exposed to trichostrongylid infection on intensive calf-rearing summer camp system in Lithuania |  | | V. Špakauskas, L. Jodkonis, I. Klimienė, J. Kvietinskas. Investigation of toxicity and efficacy of iodosept |  | | R. Želvytė, A. Sederevičius, L. Raškevičienė. The dependence of hay organic matter digestibility in the rumen fluid of cows on their physiological state and on supplementation by peptides and amino acids |  | |
Article | Summary | Full text | | | S. Baranauskas, D. Matyžiūtė, V. Balkaitienė. The influence of multienzyme preparation composition (MEK-CL) on the productivity of layer hens, the consumption of feed and the quality of eggs |  | | S. Baranauskas, S. Mikulionienė, J. Kulpys, R. Stankevičius. Evaluation of the energetic value of forage for dairy cows by means of Hohenheims test |  | | Č. Jukna, N. Kvietkutė, H. Stankevičius. The influence of technological process on pork quality |  | | A. Juozaitis, V. Juozaitienė. The reproductive characteristics of Lithuanian Black-and-White breed cows belonging to different bull lines |  | | J. Kriauzienė. Biological and farming qualities of Norwegian Landrace pigs breed in Lithuania |  | | P. Matusevičius.Use of enzymes for growing calves |  | | Č. Neviera, J. Baltrušaitis. The immunogenic properties of chicken Herpes virus Rispens strain |  | | B. Staniškienė, R. Palavinskas, Ch. Boess. Determination of the amount of metals in honey |  | | K. Pauliukas. Milk productivity of Lithuanian Black-and-White and hybrids of F1, F2, F3, F4 generation cows -depending on Holstein blood part |  | | R. Ruibys, J. Vasiliauskas. Protosubtilin G3x and maltavamorin G10x in additives pig rations |  | | Ž. Sederevičiūtė, V. Sirvydis, E.Kučinskas, S. Danius. Influence of enzyme preparations on the egg quality of laying hens |  | | A. Strazdas. Influence of different genotype Black-and White and Red bulls on their daughters‘ productivity and exterior indicators |  | | | | | |