Veterinary medicine ir zootechnics
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Year 2000. Volume 10 (32)

Veterinary medicine

ArticleSummaryFull text 
Edvardas Gedgaudas. Influence of different factors on sperm capacitation and acrosome reaction
Bronius Girnius, Judita Žymantienė. Resorption of ferolit in the digestion tract of rabbits and its influence on haemopoesis
Česlovas Neviera. Influence of polypeptide immunomodulator gangliine on the fowl organism resistance
Saulius Petkevičius, Peter Nansen, Knud Erik Bach Knudsen. Influence of insoluble carbohydrates on the populations of Ascaris suum and Oesophagostomum dentatum in pigs
Arūnas Stankevičius, Algirdas Šalomskas. Canine parvovirus DNA detection in cell cultures and faecal samples by polymerase chain reaction
Vytautas Špakauskas, Laimis Jodkonis, Irena Klimienė, Juozas Kvietinskas. Investigation of efficacy and toxicity of salicer
Ramūnas Žalys. Evaluation of natural killer cell activity in Nu/nu mice on exposure to opioid growth factor [Met5]-enkephalin


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Giedrė Augonytė. Investigation of the effect of mold-nil on laying hens
Česlovas Jukna, Paulius Matusevičius. The effect of enzyme preparation MEK-CGAP on growing calves
Alfredas Motiejūnas, Andrius Stepaniukas. Contamination of the environment by radioactive 137 Caesium isotope and food safety
Kazys Vytautas Trainys. Behaviour and welfare of hens
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