Veterinary medicine ir zootechnics
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Year 2000. Volume 8 (30)

Veterinary medicine

ArticleSummaryFull text 
Eugenijus Aniulis, Sigitas Japertas, Kristina Leiputė. Cow milk quality analysis on somatic cell count
Vida Babrauskienė. Ultrastructural peculiarity of pig eye cornea
Virginija Bukelskienė, Ramunė Domkienė, Vigintas Domkus. Investigations of bovine leucosis and infectious bovine rhinotracheitis viruses in blood serum of fetal calves
Dalia Garalevičienė. Influence of mineral, natural and synthetic antioxidant preparations on fat soluble vitamin metabolism, poultry health and productivity
Sigitas Japertas, Kristina Leiputė, Vytuolis Žilaitis. The evaluation of immunological activity of blood serum to spermagglutinins
Kristina Leiputė, Edvardas Gedgaudas, Vytuolis Žilaitis. Influence of specific gaseous atmosphere and sera on maturation and fertilization of bovine oocytes in vitro
Albina Mlečkienė, Nomeda Baužaitė. Pathology of alimentary system in aged dogs
Anelė Stundžienė, Pranciškus Šakys, Vytautas Špakauskas, Genutė Baltušnikienė. Changes of the content of calcium, phosphorus and magnesium in the blood sera of healthy cows and cows with postnatal paresis
Vytautas Špakauskas, Laimis Jodkonis, Irena Klimienė. Investigations of efficacy and toxicity of sacsept
Marius Virgailis. Prevalence of salmonella serotipes on Lithuanian pig farms and their immunogenic properties


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Česlovas Jukna, Algimantas Tarvydas, Bronius Bakutis. Testing of the microclimate parameters on free keeping and tied keeping system cow houses
Vida Juozaitienė, Algis Skindzera. Lithuanian-bred trotter horse body measurements, their phenotype and genetic correlation coefficients
Janina Kriauzienė, Vida Juozaitienė, Joana Remeikienė. Fattening and meat qualities of different Lithuanian White pig lines evaluated at Baisogala control fattening station
Algimantas Mikelėnas. Possibilities of intensive gilt raising on pig breeding farms
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