A scientific journal and the Official Organ of the Veterinary Academy, Lithuanian University of Health Sciences
Tuesday, 21st of January 2025
Year 2001. Volume 13 (35) Veterinary medicine
Article | Summary | Full text | | | V.Bižokas, V.Malijev. Radiation antigen and specific means for diagnostics an therapy | | | A.Černauskas, G.Daunoras, A.Matusevičius, K.Lukauskas. The effect of calcium and magnesium gel given per os on the some blood serum biochemical parameters of pregnant cows and on the prevention of milk fever | | | A.Grigonis, A.Matusevičius, A.Stankevičius. Antimicrobial activity in vitro and in vivo saline solutions of phenols and quarter derivatives of ammonium | | | J. Lapienis, V. Zaras. The treatment of suppurative wounds | | | V.Liutkevičienė, J.Bagdonas, M.Stankevičienė, V.Baliukonienė, L.Ganusauskaitė, G.Gerulis, K.Masilionis, A.Stankevičius, O. Akunytė. Prevalence of chlamydiosis in Lithuanian canine population | | | G. Liutkevičius. The peculiarities of the topography of arteries and veins in the region of the eyehole in cattle | | | M. Malakauskas, J. Margelytė, G. Januškevičienė. Distribution of fatty acids in subcutaneous fat in some animals species | | | A.Mlečkienė, Z.Mažeikienė, E.Jonaitis. How ageing affects respirartory system in the dog | | | S.Petkevičius, K.E.Bach Knudsen, P.Nansen. The influence of soluble and insoluble carbohydrates on the establishment of Oesophagostomum dentatum and on already established infection in pigs | | | A.Pilinkienė, J.Pieškus. Bovine viral diarrhoea: etiology, immunopathology, diagnostics and control | | | L. Šernienė, E. Gedgaudas, H. Žilinskas. Effect of bovine serum albumin on diluted with bts boar semen quality | | | J.Šiugždaitė, E.Kevišas. Indirect immunofluorescence method for detection Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae in smears from bronchi | | | R.Želvytė, A.Sederevičius, J.M.D.Enemark ir R.J.Jørgensen. D- and L- lactic acid analysis in urine and milk of cows before and after calving | | |
Article | Summary | Full text | | | Z.Bartkevičiūtė, J.Černauskienė, A.Černauskas. Effectivity of the pre-starter Multi-Pekoni for piglets | | | R.Gružauskas, S.Danius, I.Kraujutienė, A.Racevičiūtė-Stupelienė, J.Šeškevičienė, I.Jančienė. Nutritive value of peas and possibilities of their use in Iza Vedetefeeds for cross Bred Hisex brown hens broiler-chicks | | | Č.Jukna, P.Matusevičius. Die Verwedung Multienzymkompositionen in der Kalberration | | | M.Kapočius, S.Danius, R.Gružauskas, V.Šašytė. Quality of rape products and using for broiler-chicken nutrition | | | A.Motiejūnas, A.Stepaniukas. Accumulation of radioactive strontium isotopes in animal products | | | H. Stankevičius, M. Stankevičienė, A. Šalaševičienė. Changes in the physical, chemical and technological characteristics of pig meat during technological process | | | R.Stankevičius, J.Kulpys, A.Januškevičius, I.Jančienė. The evaluation of fodder by detergent fibre | | | J. Špakauskienė. The influence of weight on the productivity of I - II - III lactation cows | | | B.Staniškienė, R.Bliumbergas, H.Medekšienė. Investigation of contamination of vegetable oils made in Lithuania by chlororganic compounds | | | |