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Year 2001. Volume 15 (37)


ArticleSummaryFull text 
A. Abraitytė, V. Bobužas, M. Urbonienė. Yield and fodder quality of Italian ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum Lamk. ) undersown in small grains
B. Bakutis, E. Monstvilienė. Problems of ecological farm
P. Bendikas, V. Uchockis. Growth rate and meat quality of fattening bulls fed leguminous grain
R. Bleizgys, J. Čėsna. Technologies of alternative cow-sheds and emission of harmful
S. Bliznikas, V. Uchockis, V. Tarvydas. Feeding value of soyabeans grown in Lithuania
R. Bobinienė, R. Sabalionytė, D. Gudavičiūtė. The influence of a Multi-enzyme Composition Vinzim-F on the Eggs’Morphological Indices Laying Hens
A. Januškevičius, V. Martinavičius, J. Špakauskienė. The technical fats the rations of fur-bearing animals
J. Jatkauskas, V. Vrotniakienė. The influence of grass and maize silage on rumen metabolism of fattening  bulls
H. Jeroch, E. Strobel, K. Lange. Fütterung von Legehennen unter den Bedingungen des Ökologischen Landbaus
I. Jonuškienė, S. Kuusienė, R. Šablinskas. Investigations of secondary metabolites in flaxseed callus culture in vitro and rapeseed
S. Juknevičius, D. Čižinauskas. The investigation of possibility to replace imported soya with local feed crops for pigs during fattening period
V. Juškienė, R. Juška.  The influence of nest boxes with  different  openings  on  the  growth  rate  of growing pigs
B. Kavolėlis. Reduction of ammonia emission in swine house
J. Klimaitė, E. Aniulis. The variation in bacterial contamination of cows milk while treating subclinical mastitis
R. Klimas, A. Klimienė. Efficiency of crossbreeding on production of lean pig meat
R. Leikus.   Rapeseed  cake in the diets for breeding pigs
K. Leiputė. The viability of bisected bovine embryos produced in vitro
A. Mikelėnas, Mogens Keller Rasmussen, A. Mikelėnas. A new method for estimation of pigs carcass quality in Lithuania
S. Mikulionienė. Nutritious and fodder value of maize silage’s for cattle
S. Mikulionienė, D. Matyžiūtė. Evaluation of the digestibility of feed containing protein-vitamin-mineral mixture P3A
E. Monstvilienė, B. Bakutis. Behaviour of dairy cows in different housing systems
K. Navickas, Ž. Kepalaitė, V. Župerka. Mitigation of methane emissions, using anaerobic treatment of pig manure
V. Ribikauskas, G. Vaičionis. Estimation of nitrogen losses due to ammonia emission in animal houses
M. Rodehutscord. Möglichkeiten zur Berücksichtigung Ökologischer Anforderungen bei der Fütterung von Nutztieren
R. Stankevičius, J. Kulpys. The age of herbs for treating and prevention of diseases of younger animals in Eko farm
P. Šlapaitienė, A. Čiučiulka. Distribution and technical-economical evaluation of different foder preparation for pigs
K. Triukas. Efficiency of extruded soybeans in the diets for fattening pigs
D. Urbšienė. The effect of leguminous grain in the diets for cows on the chemical composition and technological properties of milk
V. Vrotniakienė, J. Jatkauskas. Effect of different silages on output chemical composition and quality of meat of fattening bulls
B. Zapasnikienė. The prospects of sheep breeds raised in Lithuania
R. Želvytė, I. Monkevičienė, A. Sederevičius. Effect of organic and nonorganic compounds on forage organic matter digestibility, when cows are fed rations of different nutritional value
J. Žymantienė. Pollen is natural ecological supplement and   biological  active  chemical  compositio  for  piglets
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