Veterinary medicine ir zootechnics
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Year 2002. Volume 19 (41)

Veterinary medicine

ArticleSummaryFull text 
S. Hara, K. Takahashi, N. Tomizawa, Y. Nakashima, N. Sasaki, R.J. Jorgensen. Effects of fasting and xylazine sedative on digestive tract motility, rumen VFA and certain blood components in ruminants
N. Jankevičiūtė, H. Žilinskas. Influence of some factors on semen quality of different breeds of boars
I. Klimienė, V. Špakauskas, L. Jodkonis. Changes in quantity of macro-elements and in activity of enzymes in blood sera of healthy and sick cows
J. Pieškus, R. Stakauskas. The influence of different inductors on nitric oxide production by bovine peripheral blood monocytes/ macrophages in vitro
M. Ružauskas. Development and experimental assay of inactivated salmonella and E. coli vaccine for pigs


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B. Bakutis. Concentration of mycotoxins in forage under problematic cases
A. Benediktavičiūtė-Kiškienė, R. Juodka, S. Janušonis. Poultry productivity and morphological egg traits of cross “Lohmann White LSL” pure lines
B. Fischer, H. Mäurer, T. Engelhard, W. Haacker. Zur Futteraufnahme und Energieversorgung von Kühen in der frühen Trockenstehphase Feed Intake and Energy Supplementation of far-off Dry Cows
H. Jeroch, K. Eder, F. Schöne, F. Hirche, W. Böttcher, J. Šeškevičienė. Gehalte an Essentiellen Fettsäuren, Jod, Selen und Alpha-Tocopherol in Designer- Hühnereiern
J. Juga. Joint Nordic genetic evaluation of dairy cattle
Č. Jukna, V. Jukna. The correlation coefficients of indexes of cattle’s meat’s production and the using of them in practice
Č. Jukna, K. Pauliukas. Use of Holsteins in the Process of Lithuania`s Black-and-White Cattle’s Selection
A. Klimienė, R. Klimas. Prevalence of osteochondrosis among the pigs bred in Lithuania
F. Koch, P.J.A. Wijtten, A. Lemme, D.J. Langhout. Impact of a balanced amino acid profile on broiler performance
V. Macijauskienė, R. Šveistienė. Comparative analysis of body conformation and growth rate of žemaitukai and heavy-type žemaitukai horses
J. Nudiens. Opportunities of genetic potential of cross Hybro-G broiler chicks using differently enriched feed
E. Paulauskas, R. Zinkevičius. The investigation of preservation technologies of sugar beet round slices
L. Paura, D. Kairisha, D. Jonkus. Repeatability of milk productivity traits
V. Razmaitė, S. Šveistys. Comparative measurements of lean meat content on live pigs with two ultrasonic equipment
S. Slavėnaitė, A. Sruoga. Application of esterases as genetic markers for the differentiation of geese
R. Šveistienė. Changes in population size and breeding peculiarity of Lithuanian native horse breeds
A. Tänavots, T. Kaart, O. Saveli. Heritability and correlation of meat and fertility traits in pigs in Estonia
A. Tänavots, T. Kaart, O. Saveli. Artificial insemination in pig breeding in Estonia
B. Zapasnikienė. The effect of age of ewes and lambing season on litter size and weight of lambs
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