Year 2002. Volume 19 (41) Veterinary medicine
Article | Summary | Full text | | | S. Hara, K. Takahashi, N. Tomizawa, Y. Nakashima, N. Sasaki, R.J. Jorgensen. Effects of fasting and xylazine sedative on digestive tract motility, rumen VFA and certain blood components in ruminants |  |  | N. Jankevičiūtė, H. Žilinskas. Influence of some factors on semen quality of different breeds of boars |  |  | I. Klimienė, V. Špakauskas, L. Jodkonis. Changes in quantity of macro-elements and in activity of enzymes in blood sera of healthy and sick cows |  |  | J. Pieškus, R. Stakauskas. The influence of different inductors on nitric oxide production by bovine peripheral blood monocytes/ macrophages in vitro |  |  | M. Ružauskas. Development and experimental assay of inactivated salmonella and E. coli vaccine for pigs |  |  |
Article | Summary | Full text | | | B. Bakutis. Concentration of mycotoxins in forage under problematic cases |  |  | A. Benediktavičiūtė-Kiškienė, R. Juodka, S. Janušonis. Poultry productivity and morphological egg traits of cross “Lohmann White LSL” pure lines |  |  | B. Fischer, H. Mäurer, T. Engelhard, W. Haacker. Zur Futteraufnahme und Energieversorgung von Kühen in der frühen Trockenstehphase Feed Intake and Energy Supplementation of far-off Dry Cows |  |  | H. Jeroch, K. Eder, F. Schöne, F. Hirche, W. Böttcher, J. Šeškevičienė. Gehalte an Essentiellen Fettsäuren, Jod, Selen und Alpha-Tocopherol in Designer- Hühnereiern |  |  | J. Juga. Joint Nordic genetic evaluation of dairy cattle |  |  | Č. Jukna, V. Jukna. The correlation coefficients of indexes of cattle’s meat’s production and the using of them in practice |  |  | Č. Jukna, K. Pauliukas. Use of Holsteins in the Process of Lithuania`s Black-and-White Cattle’s Selection |  |  | A. Klimienė, R. Klimas. Prevalence of osteochondrosis among the pigs bred in Lithuania |  |  | F. Koch, P.J.A. Wijtten, A. Lemme, D.J. Langhout. Impact of a balanced amino acid profile on broiler performance |  |  | V. Macijauskienė, R. Šveistienė. Comparative analysis of body conformation and growth rate of žemaitukai and heavy-type žemaitukai horses |  |  | J. Nudiens. Opportunities of genetic potential of cross Hybro-G broiler chicks using differently enriched feed |  |  | E. Paulauskas, R. Zinkevičius. The investigation of preservation technologies of sugar beet round slices |  |  | L. Paura, D. Kairisha, D. Jonkus. Repeatability of milk productivity traits |  |  | V. Razmaitė, S. Šveistys. Comparative measurements of lean meat content on live pigs with two ultrasonic equipment |  |  | S. Slavėnaitė, A. Sruoga. Application of esterases as genetic markers for the differentiation of geese |  |  | R. Šveistienė. Changes in population size and breeding peculiarity of Lithuanian native horse breeds |  |  | A. Tänavots, T. Kaart, O. Saveli. Heritability and correlation of meat and fertility traits in pigs in Estonia |  |  | A. Tänavots, T. Kaart, O. Saveli. Artificial insemination in pig breeding in Estonia |  |  | B. Zapasnikienė. The effect of age of ewes and lambing season on litter size and weight of lambs |  |  | |