Veterinary medicine ir zootechnics
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Year 2003. Volume 21 (43)

Veterinary medicine

ArticleSummaryFull text 
J. Balčiūtė, A. Aniulienė. The mostly common testicular pathological changes in dogs
B. Bartyzel, H. Kobryń, T. Szara, I. Podbielska, P. Mysłek. Heart size in wood pigeon Columba palumbus (Linnaeus, 1758)
A. Ilgažs, E. Birgele. Correlation between the condition of the mouth cavity and food in different breed of dogs
V. Lasys, E. Stanevičius, G. Zamokas. Structure of AChE positive nerve plexus in the dog cornea
M. Masiulis, H. Žilinskas, J. Šiugždaitė, V. Riškevičienė. Microbiological evaluation of lochial discharge in cows
A. Stankevičius, A. Šalomskas, M. Stankevičienė, J. Pieškus. Detection and differentiation of european and american genotypes of porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus (PRRSV) by modified one tube reverse transcriptase nested polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR)
E. Svaldenienė, M. Grikšaitė, M. Paunksnienė, A. Noreika, V. Babrauskienė, A. Paunksnis, L. Ivanovas. Cataract of the dogs: etiology, biometry of the lens and peculiarities of the crystallins
R. Želvytė, J. Laugalis, A. Sederevičius, I. Monkevičienė, J. Ramanauskienė. The effect of D- and L-lactic acid isomers in the rumen fluid of cows on the concentration in milk and urine


ArticleSummaryFull text 
T. Bak, J. Denaburski, J. Kondratowicz, P. Matusevičius. Post-slaughter evaluation of the meat content in pig carcasses. Part I.
T. Bak, J. Denaburski, J. Kondratowicz, P. Matusevičius. Post-slaughter evaluation of the meat content in pig carcasses. Ham dissection. Part II.
Z.Bartkevičiūtė, J.Černauskienė. The influence of starter concentrate to the calves growth rate in first months of the age
T. Daszkiewicz, S. Wajda, P. Matusevičius. Changing of beef quality in the process of storage
I. Grigaliūnaitė, M. Tapio, H. Viinalass, Z. Grislis, J. Kantanen, I. Miceikienė. Microsatellite variation in the baltic sheep breeds
A.Ilgaža, E.Birģele. Dynamics of glucose in postnatal ontogenesis in calves in association with age and feed
H. Jeroch, F. Schöne, V. Böhm. Analytical and nutritional evaluation of the eggs „Karotinas“ (“Carotine”)
M. Kapočius, A. Racevičiūtė-Stupelienė, V. Šašytė, V. Sirvydis, R. Gružauskas. The influence of enzyme preparation, containing xylanase, pectinase and beta-glucanase activities for broiler chickens productivity and nutrients digestibility, using peas in feed mixtures
J. Kriauzienė, V. Rekštys. Compatibility of varions pig breeds at common and complex crossbreeding
V. Pilipavičius, S. Mikulionienė, R. Stankevičius. Chemical composition and feed value for ruminants of weedy maize silage
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