A scientific journal and the Official Organ of the Veterinary Academy, Lithuanian University of Health Sciences
Tuesday, 18th of February 2025
Year 2006. Volume 35 (57) Articles
Article | Summary | Full text | | | Vytautas Špakauskas, Algimantas Matusevičius. Glucocorticoids for animals treatment. Review |  |  | Stanislovas Baranauskas, Stasys Juknevičius, Marius Skiparis. The influence of multienzymes on pigs weight and quality of meat |  |  | Bartłomiej J. Bartyzel, Maciej Karbowicz, Małgorzata Dierzęcka, Izabela Bartyzel, Jarosław Wysocki, Linas Daugnora. Morphology of heart and some parameters of bodies of the black scoter (Melanitta nigra Linnaeus, 1758) |  |  | Jörg Gerd Brettschneider, Jan Jankowski, Jan Pikul, Krzysztof Kozłowski, Heinz Jeroch. Influence of graded levels of rape seed in the diets of commercial brown layers on egg quality |  |  | Małgorzata Dzierzęcka, Adam J. Wąsowski, Daria Skubiszewska, Bartłomiej J. Bartyzel, Maciej Karbowicz. Injuries of limbs structures of locomotion apparatus in two-year old thoroughbreds being in racing training |  |  | Thomas Ettle, Franz Xaver Roth. Young pigs show dietary preferences for tryptophan |  |  | Gaworski Marek. Analysis of different forms of advance in dairy production |  |  | Andrejus Jerešiūnas, Jurgis Kulpys, Rolandas Stankevičius. The influence of probiotic Enterococcus Faecium on pigs fattening |  |  | Heinz Jeroch, Bettina Christ, Klaus Lange. Influence of rape seed oil on the fat content of carcass and the fat acid profile of the carcass fat in rabbits |  |  | Vida Juozaitienė, Renata Japertienė, Sigitas Japertas. Influence of milkability traits on milk somatic cells count in Lithuanian Red and Red and White cattle |  |  | Jerzy Juśkiewicz, Monika Wróblewska, Sławomir Fertykowski, Zenon Zduńczyk, Łucja Brzuzan, Irena Godycka-Kłos. Effect of ‘Faba’ bean seeds and their fractions on rat caecum physiology |  |  | Holger Kluth, Markus Rodehutscord. Bedeutung Methodischer Aspekte in Untersuchungen zur Praecaecalen Verdaulichkeit von Aminosäuren beim Geflügel (Relevance of methodological details for studying amino acid digestibility in poultry) |  |  | Virmantas Pikelis, Jurgis Kulpys, Edmundas Paulauskas, Rolandas Stankevičius. Analysis of efficiency of feed yeast “Saccharomyces cerevisiae1026” in dairy cows |  |  | Karl Schedle, Michael Haslinger, Rudolf Leitgeb, Friedrich Bauer, Thomas Ettle, Wilhelm Windisch. Carcass and meat quality of broiler chickens at different starving periods before slaughter |  |  | Jazeps Spruzs, Elita Selegovska, Inese Remeza, Svetlana Vasiljeva. Effects of additional feedstuffs on milk quality and health status in organic goats |  |  | Zenon Zduńczyk, Irena Godycka-Kłos, Łucja Brzuzan, Monika Wróblewska, Przemysław Zduńczyk, Jerzy Juśkiewicz. The effect of chemical composition of pea containing diets on feed preferences by rats |  |  | |