Veterinary medicine ir zootechnics
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Year 2006. Volume 35 (57)


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Vytautas Špakauskas, Algimantas Matusevičius. Glucocorticoids for animals treatment. Review
Stanislovas Baranauskas, Stasys Juknevičius, Marius Skiparis. The influence of multienzymes on pigs weight and quality of meat
Bartłomiej J. Bartyzel, Maciej Karbowicz, Małgorzata Dierzęcka, Izabela Bartyzel, Jarosław Wysocki, Linas Daugnora. Morphology of heart and some parameters of bodies of the black scoter (Melanitta nigra Linnaeus, 1758)
Jörg Gerd Brettschneider, Jan Jankowski, Jan Pikul, Krzysztof Kozłowski, Heinz Jeroch. Influence of graded levels of rape seed in the diets of commercial brown layers on egg quality
Małgorzata Dzierzęcka, Adam J. Wąsowski, Daria Skubiszewska, Bartłomiej J. Bartyzel, Maciej Karbowicz. Injuries of limbs structures of locomotion apparatus in two-year old thoroughbreds being in racing training
Thomas Ettle, Franz Xaver Roth. Young pigs show dietary preferences for tryptophan
Gaworski Marek. Analysis of different forms of advance in dairy production
Andrejus Jerešiūnas, Jurgis Kulpys, Rolandas Stankevičius. The influence of probiotic Enterococcus Faecium on pigs fattening
Heinz Jeroch, Bettina Christ, Klaus Lange. Influence of rape seed oil on the fat content of carcass and the fat acid profile of the carcass fat in rabbits
Vida Juozaitienė, Renata Japertienė, Sigitas Japertas. Influence of milkability traits on milk somatic cells count in Lithuanian Red and Red and White cattle
Jerzy Juśkiewicz, Monika Wróblewska, Sławomir Fertykowski, Zenon Zduńczyk, Łucja Brzuzan, Irena Godycka-Kłos. Effect of ‘Faba’ bean seeds and their fractions on rat caecum physiology
Holger Kluth, Markus Rodehutscord. Bedeutung Methodischer Aspekte in Untersuchungen zur Praecaecalen Verdaulichkeit von Aminosäuren beim Geflügel (Relevance of methodological details for studying amino acid digestibility in poultry)
Virmantas Pikelis, Jurgis Kulpys, Edmundas Paulauskas, Rolandas Stankevičius. Analysis of efficiency of feed yeast “Saccharomyces cerevisiae1026” in dairy cows
Karl Schedle, Michael Haslinger, Rudolf Leitgeb, Friedrich Bauer, Thomas Ettle, Wilhelm Windisch. Carcass and meat quality of broiler chickens at different starving periods before slaughter
Jazeps Spruzs, Elita Selegovska, Inese Remeza, Svetlana Vasiljeva. Effects of additional feedstuffs on milk quality and health status in organic goats
Zenon Zduńczyk, Irena Godycka-Kłos, Łucja Brzuzan, Monika Wróblewska, Przemysław Zduńczyk, Jerzy Juśkiewicz. The effect of chemical composition of pea containing diets on feed preferences by rats
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