Veterinary medicine ir zootechnics
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Year 2013. Volume 63 (85)


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Elena Bartkienė, Gražina Juodeikienė, Gintarė Zaborskienė, Vita Krunglevičiūtė, Toma Rekštytė, Erika Skabeikytė. Biogenic amine formation in fermented plant products used for feed
Dalius Butkauskas, Saulius Švažas, Aniolas Sruoga, Antonio Bea, Gennady Grishanov, Alexander Kozulin, Inaki Olano, Vitas Stanevičius, Vaida Tubelytė, Adomas Ragauskas. Genetic techniques for designation of main flyways of the Woodpigeon (Columba palumbus) in Europe as a tool for control and prevention of pathogenic diseases
Seher Dirican, Ahmet Yokus, Servet Karacinar, Sevgi Durna. Chromium (Cr), nickel (Ni) and zinc (Zn) levels in edible muscle and skin tissues of Cyprinus carpio L. in Camligöze Dam Lake, Sivas, Turkey
Ilmars Duritis, Arnis Mugurevics, Lauma Mancevica. Distribution and characterization of the goblet cells in the ostrich small intestine during the pre-and posthatch period
Joanna Fiłon, Jolanta Ustymowicz-Farbiszewska, Jan Górski, Jan Karczewski. Contamination of cereal products with lead and cadmium as a factor of a health risk for people in Podlaskie Voivodship
Asta Klimienė, Ramutis Klimas. The effect of growth rate to meatiness traits in purebred and crossbred pigs
Rūta Noreikaitė-Bulotienė, Vidmantas Bižokas, Daiva Urbonienė, Astra Vitkauskienė, Valdas Vaitkus, Juozas Kvalkauskas, Vida Juozaitienė. Synovial fluid index value in dogs with cranial cruciate ligament rupture
Ina Pamparienė, Judita Žymantienė, Rasa Želvytė, Ingrida Monkevičienė, Vaidas Oberauskas. Application of thermovision for the diagnosis of pododermatitis in guinea pigs (Cavia porcellus)
Vilius Skipskis, Vacis Tatarūnas, Eglė Ereminienė, Albina Aniulienė, Valdas Vaitkus. The analysis of echocardiographic parameters of N. Zealand rabbits` anesthetized with combination of ketamine and xylazine before and after myocardial infarction
Wiesław Sobotka, Maria Stanek, Jacek Bogusz, Paulius Matusevičius. The effect of oligosaccharides and alkaloids contained in yellow and blue lupine seeds on feed intake, body weight and fermentation processes in the cecum of rats
Marija Stankevičienė, Tadas Juknius, Aušra Steponavičienė, Jūratė Buitkuvienė. The prevalence of leptospirosis in Lithuanian swine farms
Evaldas Šlyžius, Vida Juozaitienė, Saulius Tušas, Arūnas Juozaitis, Judita Žymantienė. Relation of udder quarter development with daily milk yield¸ composition and somatic cell count
Vilma Vrotniakienė, Jonas Jatkauskas. Effects of probiotics dietary supplementation on diarrhea incidence, fecal shedding of Escherichia coli and growth performance in post-weaned piglets
Zenon Zdunczyk, Romas Gružauskas, Jerzy Juskiewicz, Agila Daukšienė, Asta Racevičiutė-Stupelienė, Virginija Jarulė. Effect of dietary probiotic Pediococcus acidilactici MA 18/5 M and prebiotic mannanoligosaccharides and their combination on caecal parameters in hens
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