Veterinary medicine ir zootechnics
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Year 2003. Volume 23 (45)

Veterinary medicine

ArticleSummaryFull text 
J. Klimaitė, A. Paškevičius, E. Aniulis. Etiology yeasts and other microorganisms of subclinical mastitis in cows
M. Masiulis, H. Žilinskas, V. Riškevičienė. Follicular growth dynamics. Application of preparations Dalmarelin (Lecirelin) and Depherelin® (Gonavet® 50) for estrus stimulation in cows
S. Petkevičius, D. K. Murrell, T. Larsen. Development of a low-zinc pig model for immunological investigations
A. Sederevičius, D. Riaukienė, A. Šarkinas. The investigation on the composition, concentration and efficiency of the raw milk samples preservative
M. Stankevičienė, H. Stankevičius, V. Baliukonienė, B. Bakutis. Rating of biothermal processing in biomass
A. Stankevičius, M. Stankevičienė, J. Pieškus. Genetic diversity and phylogenetic analyses of lithuanian strains of porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus in ORF5 and ORF7 regions
J. Sutkevičius, A. Černauskas. Examination liver functions of cows in different physiological state
J. Sutkevičius, A. Černauskas. Influence of mould fungi on the cows health and some liver functions
T. Suuroja, T. Järveots, E. Lepp. Age-related morphological changes of thyroid gland in calves
T. Szara, F. Kobryńczuk, H. Kobryń, B. Bartyzel, A. Nowicka. Sex dimorphism of the scapula in the european bison (Bison bonasus L.)
A. Vyšniauskas, V. Kaziūnaitė, A. Pereckienė. Comparision of fenben and pirel resistance in horses strongyles in vivo


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Č. Jukna, V. Jukna. Influence of Danish Red and Swedish Red-Spotted bulls to Lithuanian Red meat production and its quality
Č. Jukna, V. Jukna, A. Šimkus. Mineral material and vitamins influence on physical meat characteristics
R. Klimas, A. Klimienė. Changes of genealogical structure and breeding efficiency of bacon-type (LW-B1) Lithuanian White pigs breed and analysis of their productivity
A. Klimienė, R. Klimas. Osteochondrosis in relation to the fattening traits and leanness of the pig
R. Mišeikienė, J. Šiugždaitė, H. Stankevičius, J. Tacas, V. Stankūnienė. The laboratory investigations of washing and disinfections materials in use cows udder preparation before milking
V. Sirvydis, R. Sabalionytė, R. Bobinienė, R. Gružauskas. Influence of phytogenic preparation Biomin P.E.P-1000 and flavomicin – 80 on the changes of total albumen in the blood of broiler chickens
J. Šeškevičienė, V. Martinavičius, S. Rimkevičius, H. Jeroch. Einfluss von phytogenen Futterzusatzstoffen auf die Mast- und Schlachtleistung von Schweinens
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