Veterinary medicine ir zootechnics
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Year 2012. Volume 57 (79)


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Aleksandra Drażbo, Wiesław Sobotka, Paulius Matusevičius. The effect of production system, dietary protein levels and amino acid supplementation on performance, carcass traits and meat quality in growing-finishing pigs
Gražina Januškevičienė, Algirdas Januškevičius. The after-slaughter examination and quality of horse meat in Lithuania
Vigilijus Jukna, Česlovas Jukna, Nijolė Pečiulaitienė. Electrical conductivity of pig meat and its relation with quality
Remigijus Juška, Violeta Juškienė, Raimondas Leikus, Jūratė Norvilienė. The growth performance and behaviour of pigs raised in conven-tional and alternative systems
Irena Klimienė, Modestas Ružauskas, Raimundas Mockeliūnas, Rita Šiugždinienė, Vytautas Špakauskas, Algimantas Matusevičius, Asta Pereckienė, Česlova Butrimaitė-Ambrozevičienė. The variety of Staphylococcus, extracted from cows mastitis samples, and their resistance to antimicrobial substances
Katarina Kulinova, Lucia Mačuhova, Michal Uhrinčat, Vladimir Tančin. The effect of stressful treatment before and during milking on milkability of dairy ewes
Galina Lukianova, Nikolaj Barsukov, Tatjana Filonenko, Aleksandras Vitkus, Kristina Lasienė. The influence of Strongylidae infection on morphological changes of intestinal tissues in horses
Algimantas Matusevičius, Marija Ivaškienė, Vytautas Špakauskas, Ramutė Mišeikienė, Alius Pockevičius. The effect of locally applied creams E-1 and T-1 on the healthy skin of laboratory animals
Jan Orsag, Jan Broucek, Monika Sauter, Vladimir Tancin, Pavel Flak. Effect of access to dusting substrate on behaviour in layers from different types of cages
Laura Petrakova, Sigita Kerzienė, Violeta Razmaitė. Contribution of different breeds to Lithuanian Red cattle using pedigree information with only a fraction of the population analyzed
Kerem Ural, Zafer Ozyildiz, Rahsan Yilmaz. Clinical and histopathological findings in German Shepherd dogs with hookworm dermatitis and the usage of eprinomectin in the therapy
Birutė Zapasnikienė, Rasa Nainienė. The effects of crossbreeding Romanov ewes with Wiltshire Horn rams on ewe fertility and progeny performance
Rasa Želvytė, Ingrida Monkevičienė, Vida Juozaitienė, Jonas Laugalis, Antanas Sederevičius, Rolandas Stankevičius, Aldona Baltušnikienė. The effect of yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae on intraruminal concentration of volatile fatty acids and bacterial count in cows
Vida Žiliukienė, Valdemaras Žiliukas, Svajūnas Stankus. Infestation of Argulus foliaceus L. on fish fry reared in illuminated cages
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