Veterinary medicine ir zootechnics
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Year 2002. Volume 17 (39)

Veterinary medicine

ArticleSummaryFull text 
I. Aleksėjūnienė, A. Aleksėjūnas, J. Šilkūnaitė, L. Ščerbakova. Identification avibirnaviruses in bursa of Fabricius
V. Bižokas, A. Sederevičius, R. Mockeliūnas. Strategy of veterinary medicine science and tasks integrating to the European Union
J. A. Dobilas. Impact of polydispersed electroaerosol particles of desinfective substances on the vital activity of microorganisms during disinfection of rooms with animals
A. Grigonis, V. Mačijauskas, G. Zamokas. Examination of liver functions in dogs with parvovirus enteritis
A. Januškauskas, H. Žilinskas. Bull semen evaluation post-thaw and relation of semen characteristics to bull’s fertility
V. Mockeliūnienė, R. Ščerbavičius, A. Šalomskas. Seroepidemiological investigations of bovine viral diarrhoea in Lithuanian cattle population
A. Pockevičius, P. Mačiulskis, K. Lukauskas, J. Milius. Specificity of skin tuberculin test of bovine animals
R. Stakauskas, J. Pieškus. The influence of Lactobacilli metabolic products on the production of reactive oxygen species in vitro
A. Stimbirys. Effect of Toxoplasma gondi on heamatological value and leucocytic formula of experimentally infected rabbits
L. Šernienė, V. Riškevičienė, A.Banys, H. Žilinskas. Effects of age, and season on sperm qualitative parameters in Lithuanian White and Petren boars
V. Vaitkus, S. Samochvalov. Subtotal resection of canine prostatic gland (comparison of the two most frequently used methods)


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V. Baliukonienė, B. Bakutis. Mycotoxical and microbiological analysis of wheat and barley in granaries during the storage period
S. Juknevičius. Influence of local albuminous additives on the meat of fattened pigs
V. Juozaitienė, A. Žakas. Influence of heritability on black-and white cows milk quality according to somatic cells count
A. Juozaitis, V. Juozaitienė. Pig selection according to the expenditure of fodder
S. Kerzienė, V. Juozaitienė. The selection-genetic aspects of the reproduction characteristics of Lithuanian white pigs
J. Kondratowicz, T. Bąk, P. Matusevičius. Einfluss der Zugabe vom Fettinjektion auf Chemische zusammensetzung und physikochemische Merkmale des Pferdefleisches, das mit Verschiedenen Gefrierverfahren Behandelt wurde
J. Kondratowicz, P. Matusevičius. Use of low temperatures for food preservation
A. Mikelėnas, A. Mikelėnas. The effect of additional ration fat on the sows in farrow new born piglets weight and milk yielding
I. Sobina, J. Kondratowicz. Biochemische und Physikochemische Änderungen von ormalem Schweinefleisch und Schadhaftem Schweinefleisch PSE und DFD, das 12 Monate lang bei niedrigen Temperaturen gelagert und mit der Verwendung von Kohlenstoffdioxid gefroren wurde
J. Špakauskienė. Productivity dependence upon age of different genotype cows
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