Year 2003. Volume 22 (44) Veterinary medicine
Article | Summary | Full text | | | E.Birģele, A. Ilgaža. Age and feed effect on the dynamics of animal blood biochemical values in postnatal ontogenesis in calves |  |  | J. Klimaitė, R. Maruška, V. Žilaitis, A. Motiejūnas. The electric water use in vitro |  |  | A. Pockevičius, P. Mačiulskis, K. Lukauskas. Immunopathomorphology of bovine tuberculosis |  |  | A. Sederevičius, H. Jeroch, R. Urbaitytė ir L. Danyla. L-carnitine chemistry, metabolical and clinical functions, deficiencies. Its effects in animals productivity and reproduction. A literature review |  |  | A. Šarkinas, A. Šipailienė. Predestination of food safety by natural ingredients |  |  |
Article | Summary | Full text | | | J. Jatkauskas, V. Vrotniakienė, J. Kulpys. Grass conservation and efficiency of silage additives |  |  | Č. Jukna, V. Jukna, A. Šimkus, J. Laugalis. The effect of probiotic YEASTURE on calves’ growth, forage digestibility and health state |  |  | V. Juozaitienė. The increasing of selection efficiency by improvement of the black and white cattle population in Lithuania |  |  | H.Kaldmäe, M.Vadi, R.Kirsel, A.Olt. Effect of growth stage of legumes on silage digestibility |  |  | O. Kärt, E. Rihma, S. Tölp, T. Kaart. Dry matter intake of the first-parity cows, bred in Estonia, at the beginning of lactation |  |  | D.Keidāne, E.Birģele. The efficacy of feed on the intra-ruminal and intra-abomasal ph dynamics in goats |  |  | J. Malevičiūtė, S. Tušas, I. Miceikienė. Genetic diversity of four Lithuanian cattle breeds based on blood plasma protein and erythrocyte antigen system polymorphism |  |  | A. Mikelėnas, A. Mikelėnas. Lean meat of pork and its carcasses estimation by different methods |  |  | M. Ots, O. Kärt. Effect of grain species on purine derivative excretion via urine in feeding leguminous silage to rams |  |  | E. Paulauskas, J. Kulpys. The effect of the ratio between metabolizable energy of a diet and digestible lysine on pig succulence |  |  | D. Ribikauskienė, I. Povilauskas. Phenotypic evaluation of stress–susceptibility of purebred Lithuanian White and crossbred pigs of various breeds |  |  | Ž. Sederevičiūtė. The effect of enzyme compositions on the feed utilisation in the organism of lying hens |  |  | J. Šeškevičienė, H. Jeroch. Chemische Zusammensetzung und Futterwert fur Geflugel von Rapskuchen aus geschälten Samen. 1. Mitteillung: Chemische Zusammensetzung |  |  | V. Šterna, A. Jemeļjanovs. Comparison of fatty acids and cholesterol content in the milk of Latvian cows |  |  | V. Vrotniakienė. Carcass traits and meat quality of Lithuanian Black and White bulls offered different silages |  |  | |