Veterinary medicine ir zootechnics
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Year 2004. Volume 27 (49)

Veterinary medicine

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J. A. Dobilas. Main characteristics of universal aerosol apparatus UEA-5
J. Milius, D. Razmuvienė, E. Jacevičius, V. Tamošiūnas, K. Lukauskas. Epidemiological situation of rabies in Lithuania in 1994-2003
J. Pieškus, J. Milius, A. Stankevičius, I. Michalskienė. The incidence of salmonella strains and its differential diagnostic in poultry products
S. Ryselis, D. Baranauskienė, O. Abdrachmanovas, A. Stepaniukas. Influence of lead cations and acetate anions on activity of aminoleavulinic acid dehydratase in blood of human and experimental animals in vivo and in vitro
V. Špakauskas, M. Ružauskas, L. Barzelis. Clinical trials of “Trimerazinas Lux” for treatment of salmonellosis and colibacillosis in pigs and calves
D. Zienius. The retrospective analysis of prevention and control of rabies in Lithuania 1995–2002 wildlife
V. Žilaitis, A. Banys, R. Maruška, V. Žiogas. Diagnostic aspect of endometritis in cow


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Z. Bartkevičiūtė, J. Černiauskienė. The influence of feed additives on dairy cows productivity
L. Degola, E. Selegovska. Zootechnical and economical evaluation of protein content in pig diets and influence on the carcass traits
D. Gudavičiūtė, M. Miškinienė, E. Kučinskas. The influence of diet supplemented with phytasic enzymes on utilization of phosphorus in laying hens
D. Jonkus, L. Paura, D. Kairisha. Analysis of daily milk productivity change in dairy cows
Č. Jukna, V. Jukna, A. Šimkus. The influence of probiotic lactoamylovorinum on the growth of calves
D. Kairisa, E. Selegovska. Importance of balanced feeding in the breeding of young sheep
R. Klimas, A. Klimienė. Influence of english large white breed on performance traits of lithuanian white pigs
R. Klimas, A. Klimienė, S. Rimkevičius. Efficiency of breeding pigs selection according to phenotypic evaluation of meatiness
J. Kondratowicz, P. Matusevičius, M. Stankevičienė, H. Stankevičius. Effects of different methods of storage on the quality of pork
C. Lückstädt, N. Senköylü, H. Akyürek, A. Agma. Acidifier – a modern alternative for anti-biotic free feeding in livestock production, with special focus on broiler production
Z. Smolkina, A. Karus. Bovine GAPGDH expression using real-time RT-PGR
J. Spruzs, E. Selegovska. Feeding of goats under conditions of organic farming
S. Wajda, T. Daszkiewicz, P. Matusevičius. The quality of meat from the carcasses of bulls from crossing polish black-and-white cows with limousine bulls classified into the different classes in the EUROP system
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