Year 2004. Volume 27 (49) Veterinary medicine
Article | Summary | Full text | | | J. A. Dobilas. Main characteristics of universal aerosol apparatus UEA-5 |  |  | J. Milius, D. Razmuvienė, E. Jacevičius, V. Tamošiūnas, K. Lukauskas. Epidemiological situation of rabies in Lithuania in 1994-2003 |  |  | J. Pieškus, J. Milius, A. Stankevičius, I. Michalskienė. The incidence of salmonella strains and its differential diagnostic in poultry products |  |  | S. Ryselis, D. Baranauskienė, O. Abdrachmanovas, A. Stepaniukas. Influence of lead cations and acetate anions on activity of aminoleavulinic acid dehydratase in blood of human and experimental animals in vivo> and in vitro |  |  | V. Špakauskas, M. Ružauskas, L. Barzelis. Clinical trials of “Trimerazinas Lux” for treatment of salmonellosis and colibacillosis in pigs and calves |  |  | D. Zienius. The retrospective analysis of prevention and control of rabies in Lithuania 1995–2002 wildlife |  |  | V. Žilaitis, A. Banys, R. Maruška, V. Žiogas. Diagnostic aspect of endometritis in cow |  |  |
Article | Summary | Full text | | | Z. Bartkevičiūtė, J. Černiauskienė. The influence of feed additives on dairy cows productivity |  |  | L. Degola, E. Selegovska. Zootechnical and economical evaluation of protein content in pig diets and influence on the carcass traits |  |  | D. Gudavičiūtė, M. Miškinienė, E. Kučinskas. The influence of diet supplemented with phytasic enzymes on utilization of phosphorus in laying hens |  |  | D. Jonkus, L. Paura, D. Kairisha. Analysis of daily milk productivity change in dairy cows |  |  | Č. Jukna, V. Jukna, A. Šimkus. The influence of probiotic lactoamylovorinum on the growth of calves |  |  | D. Kairisa, E. Selegovska. Importance of balanced feeding in the breeding of young sheep |  |  | R. Klimas, A. Klimienė. Influence of english large white breed on performance traits of lithuanian white pigs |  |  | R. Klimas, A. Klimienė, S. Rimkevičius. Efficiency of breeding pigs selection according to phenotypic evaluation of meatiness |  |  | J. Kondratowicz, P. Matusevičius, M. Stankevičienė, H. Stankevičius. Effects of different methods of storage on the quality of pork |  |  | C. Lückstädt, N. Senköylü, H. Akyürek, A. Agma. Acidifier – a modern alternative for anti-biotic free feeding in livestock production, with special focus on broiler production |  |  | Z. Smolkina, A. Karus. Bovine GAPGDH expression using real-time RT-PGR |  |  | J. Spruzs, E. Selegovska. Feeding of goats under conditions of organic farming |  |  | S. Wajda, T. Daszkiewicz, P. Matusevičius. The quality of meat from the carcasses of bulls from crossing polish black-and-white cows with limousine bulls classified into the different classes in the EUROP system |  |  | |