Veterinary medicine ir zootechnics
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Year 2005. Volume 30 (52)

Veterinary medicine

ArticleSummaryFull text 
I. Aleksėjūnienė, A. Aleksėjūnas, V. Mockeliūnienė, J. Šilkūnaitė. Serological monitoring of the efficacy of chicken vaccination against infectious bursal disease virus / 5
I. Alionienė, V. Janilionis. Osteometrical estimation of metacarpal and metatarsal bones of Lithuanian white pig / 9
J. Bagdonas, A. Stimbirys, J. Jokimas, N. Nekrašienė. Seroprevalence of toxoplasmosis and tick-borne-encephalitis in domestic goats in Kaunas district, Lithuania / 14
I. Klimienė, V. Špakauskas. Homeopathy, its application in veterinary. Review / 21
J. Sabeckienė, S. Tarasauskas, A. Aniulienė. Endometrosis in Lithuanian mares / 30
A. Šalomskas, V. Mockeliūnienė, R. Mockeliūnas. Comparative survey of seroprevalence of antibodies to bovine viral diarrhoea virus and rotavirus in cattle / 34
J. Žymantienė, Z. Miknienė, A. Černauskas, E. Samulytė. An influence of environment and nutrition on the morphological and biochemical parametres of blood in the organism of budgerigars / 40


ArticleSummaryFull text 
V. Jukna, G. Mauručaitė, J. Krikščiukaitė, V. Rekštys. Meat quality of Lithuanian white pigs in comparison to imported pig breeds / 47
J. Kriauzienė, I. Miceikienė, A. Masiulienė, L. Baltrūnaitė. Hal gene polymorphism in S line pig herds and its influence on pig reproduction traits / 50
M. O. Lorek, A. Hartman, A. Gugołek, P. Matusevičius. Effects of synthetic amino acids on morphological and biochemical blood parameters, and on health status of arctic foxes / 54
E. Paulauskas, J. Kulpys, R. Stankevičius, V. Švedaitė. Physiological and ecological aspects of use of the anti-oxidant supplements in store-cattle feeding / 60
K. Pauliukas, A. R. Šidiškis, A. Urbonavičius, K. Šerėnas. Effect of lactation and other factors on the changes of milk composition and it˙s qualitative parameters of Black-and-White cows / 67
M. Stanek, C. Purwin, P. Matusevičius. The influence of faba bean seeds and enzymes on nutrient digestibility and nitrogen balance in pigs / 72
B. Staniškienė, P. Matusevičius, R. Budreckienė, I. Sinkevičienė. Trace elements in Lithuanian honey / 77
A. Stimbirys, L. Antanavičius. Influence of different types of pig crossing on carcass lean meat content / 83
J. Šeškevičienė, K. Kozlowski, J. Jankowski, A. Faruga, H. Jeroch. Erste untersuchungen mit einem präparat aus der pflanze Sanguinaria canadensis L. Bei putenküken / 88 V. Jukna, G. Mauručaitė, J. Krikščiukaitė, V. Rekštys. Meat quality of Lithuanian white pigs in comparison to imported pig breeds / 47
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