A scientific journal and the Official Organ of the Veterinary Academy, Lithuanian University of Health Sciences
Tuesday, 18th of February 2025
Year 2002. Volume 20 (42) Veterinary medicine
Article | Summary | Full text | | | R. Baltaduonytė, P. Mačiulskis, A. Noreika. Prevalence of equine chronic obstructive pulmonary disease in Lithuanian |  |  | N. Baužaitė, A. Aniulienė. Incidence of pathology in dogs prostate and its histomorphology |  |  | J. M. D. Enemark, R. J. Jørgensen, P. St. Enemark. Rumen acidosis with special emphasis on diagnostic aspects of subclinical rumen acidosis: a review |  |  | R. Mosenthin. Current concepts of protein digestion and absorption in the pig review |  |  | A. Sederevičius, V. Oberauskas, J. Kantautaitė, R. Sutkevičienė. The effect of multifold lyophilization on the probiotic properties of Lactobacillus |  |  | M. Stankevičienė, A. Stankevičius. Seroprevalence of porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus (prrsv) in Lithuanian pig farms |  |  | J. Žymantienė, A. Sederevičius, A. Černauskas, V. Kairevičius. Changes of glucose, carbochydrates and lipids in blood of different breeds of dogs |  |  | Č. Neviera, A. Tuminienė. Compatibility investigation of Marek´s and Gumboro vaccine virus strains in vivo |  |  |
Article | Summary | Full text | | | J. Jatkauskas. The influence of silages made from different raw on rumen metabolism of fattening bulls |  |  | H Jeroch, J. G. Brettschneider, W. Böttcher, W. Peter, J. Šeškevičienė, M. Prinz. Einfluss von Rapsöl und Leinöl im Legehennenfutter auf das Fettsäurenmuster des Eidotterfettes |  |  | V. Jukna. Beef meat production and quility of the lithuanian red cattle and their hybrids |  |  | V. Juozaitienė, H. Jeroch, S. Rimkevičius, S. Kerzienė, J. Šeškevičienė, J. Kulpys, Z. Bartkevičiūtė, J. Černauskienė. Neue Futtermischung für die Schweineleistungsprüfung |  |  | G. Lengerken, S. Maak, M. Wicke. Muscle metabolism and meat quality of pigs and poultry |  |  | J. Malevičiūtė, L. Baltrėnaitė, I. Miceikienė. Domestic cattle breed diversity in Lithuania |  |  | M. Paleckaitis, A. Masiulienė. Dynamics of genealogical structure of Lithuanian Black and White cattle population |  |  | V. Priudokienė, D. Gudavičiūtė. The influence of Biomin P.E.P.-1000 on the growth and meat quality indices of chicken broilers |  |  | A. Sruoga, S. Janušonis, D. Butkauskas, E. Mozaliene, V. Razmaitė. Genetical markers in studying differentiation among domestic geese |  |  | A. Sruoga, R. Juodka, E. Mozalienė, D. Butkauskas. Genetic differentiation of pure chicken lines of "Lohman White LSL" cross |  |  | V. Šileikienė, R. Mosenthin, R. Claus, M Gutscher, M. Tafaj, R. Gružauskas. Development of Gut Function in Piglet during the Transition from Liquid to Solid Feeding |  |  | |