A scientific journal and the Official Organ of the Veterinary Academy, Lithuanian University of Health Sciences
Tuesday, 18th of February 2025
Year 2003. Volume 24 (46) Veterinary medicine
Article | Summary | Full text | | | J. Bagdonas, N. Nekrošienė, I. Bulsienė. Seroepizootic survey of tick-borne encephalitis in animals |  |  | R. Baltaduonytė, P. Mačiulskis, N. Baužaitė, A. Noreika, J. Šiugždaitė, A. Kučinskas. The changes of the clinic and trachea secretion of the horses with COPD |  |  | D. Garalevičienė. Effect of antioxidant preparation “Oxynil” on health status and productivity of laying hens fed naturally moulded feed |  |  | V. Laurinavičiūtė, J. Šiugždaitė, D. Urbšienė. Diagnostic of goats subclinical mastitis and isolation of pathogens |  |  | M. Malakauskas, G. Januškevičienė, J. Vaitkus. Amount of heavy metals – lead, cadmium and mercury – in wild game samples hunted for food |  |  | E. Nahkur, M. Jalakas, V. Andrianov, E. Ernits, E. Järv. A comparative anatomical study of the pelvis in the contemporary and medieval cow and elk |  |  | I. Pakštytė, A. Matusevičius. Some medicinal substance influence on rumen protozoa, gas formation and foam suppresson in vitro |  |  | E. Svaldenienė, V. Babrauskienė, Marija Paunksnienė. Structural features of the cornea: light and electron microscopy |  |  | J. Šiugždaitė, H. Žilinskas. Detection of MCS4 RNA genes in Mycoplasma capricolum subsp. capricolum type strain California kid and strain GM262G |  |  | V. Žilaitis, R. Maruška, A. Brinkys. The use of enzyme preparations for the treatment of cow endometritis |  |  |
Article | Summary | Full text | | | L. Baležentienė. Fodder galega‘s (Galega orientalis Lam.) green mass and silage quality |  |  | A. Januškevičius., G. Januškevičienė. The linseed-cake in the feeds of laying hens |  |  | Č. Jukna, N. Kvietkutė, B. Girskienė. The influence of genotype on meat quality during technological processing |  |  | R. Kazernavičiūtė, D. Gruzdienė. Oxidative stability of rapeseed oil in emulsion and during deep frying |  |  | K. Ling, H. Jaakson, J. Samarütel, A. Leesmäe. Metabolic status and body condition score of Estonian Holstein cows and their relation to some fertility parameters |  |  | A. Mikelėnas, A. Mikelėnas, M. K. Rasmussen, A. Muzikevičius. Quality indicators for pig carcasses of pigs herds and their dependence form the fibres of skeletal muscles |  |  | S. Mikulionienė, S. Būdvytis, G. Povilaitis. Emission of ammonia in single type livestock buildings |  |  | V. Petrauskas, A. Savilionis, E. Bičius, A. Zajančkauskas, E. Aniulis. Control of milking process by thermoenergetical characteristics of milk flow |  |  | B. Staniškienė, R. Bliumbergas, H. Medekšienė. Analysis of pork and beef contamination with organic chlorine compounds |  |  | A. Šalaševičienė, H. Stankevičius, M. Stankevičienė, V. Liutkevičienė. Virus influence on the technological characteristics of pork water holding capacity |  |  | A. Šimkus, A. Šimkienė. Probiotic PACIFLOR influence on calf viscera development |  |  | |